Jhu solar skin
(Hero wars)
Mr Fungryさんという方が「Hero wars best healer」という動画をアップロードしている。様々なヒーラーについて深い考察がされていて、その中でテアのことも取り上げて説明してくれている。
テアは使うべきではないとか、ボロカスに言われているのかな…と思いきや、” I can tell you that she is really great. “と意外に褒めてくれていて嬉しくなり、テアの部分だけ抜き出して何と説明しているのか調べてみることにした。回復力は本当に微々たるものなんだけど、もう少し頑張って育ててみようか。
Thea is the first healer in this list who is really great and made for free to play players. you can get Thea soul stone in the early game from campaign missions.
She can do area of effect healing for the whole team. And she has a single target heal for the lowest health ally. besides that she can silence the enemy’s team for 3 seconds which is really great against twins and orions and so on.
She can also boost allies speed when they drop below 30 percent of their health. I’m not hundred percent sure but speed buff should work even when Thea is dead. And this means that Thea synegizes really well with Jhu.
In the early game Thea won’t be too effective healer. Because she needs some serious investment to make her really shine. and that is because she has three skins who can boost her healing amount.
Many new players think that Thea isn’t that great because of her early game and they don’t give her a proper try in the late game. But I can tell you that she is really great.Also don’t forget that Thea can boost magic defense with her artifact which makes her really great against magic damage teams.
Thea’s biggest pros are that she has decent amount of heal, easy to get soul stones, free to play friendly, good against magic damage teams. And Thea’s biggest cons are that she shines only at late game sometimes she dies too fast because of her placement in the back line she needs some serious invesments in the long run and she can be content by Jhu and jorgern’s leaper skill.
動画の後半では全てのヒーラーの統括して、紹介される。 一番良いのはマーサか、セレステか、ドリアンの中から一人を選ぶ事と紹介された後で、テアはその次に紹介される。
On the secound place, I would put there Thea. She is great at healing. But I think that magic defense artifact is really situational.and she is really easy to countered. because she really squishy backliner.
- Decent amount of heal
- Easy to get soulstones
- F2P(free to play) friendly
- Good against magic damage teams
- Shines at the late game
- Sometimes dies too fast because of her placement in the backline
- Needs serious investment in the long run
- Countered by Jhu and Jorgen’s Leper skill
- 適度なヒールがある。
- ソウルストーンが手に入りやすい
- F2P(Free to Play)に適している。
- 魔法ダメージチームに強い
- ゲーム後半に輝く
- バックラインに配置されているため、死ぬのが早い。
- 長期的に投資が必要。
- JhuやJorgenのLeperスキルに弱い。